Invitation to Join the
US Delegation in Solidarity with KMU’s 34th ISA and Medical Mission

Date: April 25-May 3, 2018
Location: Philippines
In solidarity with Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) and the Filipino workers, we are organizing a US delegation to the 34th International Solidarity Affair (ISA) and Medical Mission to the Philippines on April 25-May 3.
2018 is the 34th year of the International Solidarity Affair or ISA. It is an annual gathering of workers, trade union activists, labor rights advocates, young professionals, student activists, and friends and supporters of the working class around the world. It is hosted annually by the national labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU).
The 34th ISA allows international delegates to witness and better understand the circumstances of workers in the Philippines and their fight against neoliberal attacks. It intends to create a venue for learning from each other and building solidarity.
During the ISA the delegates will: (1) study the Philippine trade union and national situation, (2) share the situation of their country, (3) have an exposure and interaction with short term contractual workers in the export processing zone and with workers in the service and informal industries, (4) join the medical mission and outreach in the workers’ communities, and (5) observe in the labor day action on May 1st.
For decades, Filipino workers have endured neoliberal attacks and trade union repression. Contrary to his electoral campaign promises of ending labor contractualization and other anti people policies, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte responded to the peoples’ clamor for “real change” by intensifying neoliberal policies and trade union repression.
President Duterte refused to sign an Executive Order that will eliminate short-term contractualization, and he maintains the current law that allows the widespread use and exploitation of workers.
In the forefront of the trade union and the workers struggle in the Philippines is the KMU. The KMU is an independent and democratic labor center promoting genuine, militant and anti-imperialist trade unionism. It is genuine because it recognizes the struggle between labor and capital and is faithful to upholding the interest of the working class; militant because it relies on the workers’ collective struggle in defending trade union and democratic rights; and anti-imperialist because it seeks to end imperialist domination and control over the Philippines.
In particular, KMU aims to protect and promote workers’ right to employment, wage, humane working conditions and their right to form unions, bargain collectively and strike; and heighten workers’ political awareness and class consciousness through massive education, organizing and mobilization in and out of the workplace.

Mission Program: ISA and medical mission program schedule and travel advisory.
To Join and Register: Fill out the registration form and email to by April 15, 2018. Copy the ISM US team leaders below in your email.
U.S. Team Leaders: Contact us for more information!
Nerissa Allegretti –, 224-381-6888
Aurora Victoria Herrera David –, 650-491-4561
To Donate:
By check: Make payable to “NAFCON”, write “trade union ISM” in the memo and mail to 4681 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94112 Via card or paypal online: Click the button below
Check out the Nafcon's website: