Tuesday, April 30, 2019
8 AM – 3 PM
1414 K Street, Suite 500, Sacramento CA 95814
Hosted by Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies
Filipino Advocacy Day is a day that brings together organizations and communities across California to push for progressive policies that will uplift and protect the rights and welfare of the Filipino community and other marginalized groups. The Day is convened by LEAD Filipino and the UC Davis Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies, and in collaboration with a network of community based organizations and policy makers dedicated to building the political power of the Filipino community on a statewide level. This year, Filipino Advocacy Day will be pushing for: AB 331: Ethnic Studies as a High School Requirement. Following the lead of youth organizations and ethnic studies coalitions, we are in support of this bill in pushing for culturally-relevant education. A Domestic Workers Outreach and Education Program within the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. Following the lead of the California Domestic Workers Coalition, we are in support of this program to further educate and protect workers in our community from wage theft, human trafficking, and workers’ rights violations. Rent Stability Bills that will further protect renters and tenants across the state! RSVP HERE: https://forms.gle/TSupB93nRA8Lqtzp6 ******** California Filipino Advocacy Day is an opportunity to continue shaping history and uplift the rights and welfare of the Filipino community. During May 2018, Filipino advocates attended the California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus Summit, and noticed the lack of Filipino organizations, non-profits, and elected officials to represent our community’s realities and needs. In response to the lack of our state-wide political power, LEAD Filipino and the Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies collaborated to organize the first Filipino Community Policy Symposium in September 2018. The Symposium gathered over 100 participants and 25 organizations across the state to capture what issues are impacting our community and what policy recommendations we should bring to the State Capitol. Organizations discussed eight policy issue areas including health, education, workers’ rights, and immigrant rights, and the discussions have culminated into a 2019 Filipino Policy Agenda. Putting the 2019 Policy Agenda into action, the California Filipino Advocacy Day will be pushing for recommendations put forth in our agenda!