Bayanihan for Relief and Rehabilitation Program

Natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes are common in the Philippines. However, worsening climate situation as well as inadequate infrastructure and preparedness programs make the people even more vulnerable. NAFCON consistently responds to the needs of affected communities for relief, rehabilitation, and rebuilding. We partner with tried-and-tested local community-based organizations to provide timely and effective assistance to most impacted families and communities.
January 14, 2019
NAFCON Appeals for Disaster Relief Donations, Calls for Participation for Medical and Rebuilding Mission
The National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) appeals for donations for its Bayanihan Relief and Rehabilitation Program to provide immediate support for communities affected by the recent disasters in the Philippines.
While the Visayas region is still reeling with the aftermath of Typhoon Ursula, another tragic natural disaster befell our fellow Filipinos in the Southern Tagalog Region — the eruption of Taal volcano on January 12.
This event displaced thousands of our fellow countrymen, disrupting their economic livelihood and will continue to affect them emotionally and economically in the foreseeable future. This disaster will greatly affect the small farmers and fishermen — the most vulnerable sector of our society.
We seek the help of our fellow Filipinos, as well as organizations and individuals, to open their hearts and lend a helping hand in a national effort to provide relief and rehabilitation for the victims and survivors of these disasters.
As with previous disasters in the Philippines, NAFCON partners with tried-and-tested community organizations on the ground to deliver relief efficiently and timely to the most impacted communities. For assistance for the victims of the Taal Volcano eruption, our partners include the Citizens’ Disaster Response Center (CDRC) and Southern Tagalog Serve the People Corps.
In addition to providing immediate relief, we invite doctors, nurses, healthworkers, and other community members to join our summer medical mission to visit communities in the Philippines impacted by these environmental disasters. This August 2020, we will be traveling to the Philippines to provide medical services and support rebuilding efforts.
Below please find more information on ways to donate and join the medical mission. You may contact us at for questions or concerns.
Credit card online donations can be found at (click on the “Donate” button)
Check: Make checks payable to “NAFCON” and write “Bayanihan Relief” in the memo. Mail to 4681 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94112.
Cash: Email us at to arrange in person delivery.
Participate in our 2020 Medical and Rebuilding Mission: Fill out our interest form!